活動預告 Upcoming Events
Nanhai No.1 Cultural Tour
「海絲會」將於2016年5月28-29日舉辦「南海一號 」文化探索之旅,加深參加者對海上交通史的認識和一睹珍貴的海上絲路文物。宋代商船「南海一號」博物館位於陽江,船上文物共六至八萬件,被喻爲世界重大海底文化遺產之一。行程還包括參觀開平自力村和碉樓及漫遊十里銀灘渡假區。如欲報名,請在4月15日前按此登記。更多…
MSRS will organize a Nanhai No.1 cultural tour from 28-29 May 2016 to help participants better understand ancient maritime excursions and have a glimpse of rare silk road artefacts. The wreck of Nanhai No.1, with its 60,000 to 80,000 relics, is housed in the Nanhai No.1 Museum (Guangdong Maritime Silk Road Museum) located in Yangjiang, Guangdong. It is considered one of the most important museums of underwater cultural heritage worldwide. The tour will also include sightseeing at Kaiping Diaolou and Villages and Silver Beach resort. If interested, please click here (Chinese Only) for registration on or before 15 April. More…
The Belt and Road Summit
The Belt and Road Summit, which is organized by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Hong Kong Trade Development Council, will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 18 May 2016, with Maritime Silk Road Society as the supporting organization. More…
Symposium on Art and Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road
The Hong Kong Maritime Museum and Asian Art Hong Kong will co-organize the “Art and Cultural Exchange in the One Belt One Road Initiative” symposium on Saturday, 2 April 2016 at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum from 10:30am to 6pm, with the Maritime Silk Road Society as the supporting organization. More…
最新消息 News
「一帶一路 ––– 硬實力結合軟實力」論壇
"Combining Hard Power with Soft Power" Conference
三位本港著名中資企業領導層 ─ 中銀香港(控股)有限公司及中國銀行(香港)有限公司副董事長兼總裁岳毅先生、招商局集團有限公司副總經理胡建華博士,以及華潤集團副董事長兼總經理羅熹先生於2月27日出席由海上絲綢之路協會舉辦之「一帶一路 –––– 硬實力結合軟實力」論壇作演講嘉賓,藉此協助香港尋找發展機遇。約有五百名嘉賓出席是次論壇。如欲瀏覽影片請按這裡。更多…
The Maritime Silk Road Society held a conference on 27 February entitled “The Belt and Road Initiative – Combining Hard Power with Soft Power,” featuring presentations by the top management of three leading Chinese enterprises in Hong Kong – Mr Yue Yi, Vice Chairman & Chief Executive, BOC Hong Kong (Holdings) Limited and Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited; Ir Dr Hu Jianhua, Executive Vice President, China Merchants Group Limited; and Mr Luo Xi, Vice Chairman and President, China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd. About 500 guests attended the event. Click here (Chinese Only) to view the video. More...
福建泉州 ––– 海上絲路文化探索之旅
Maritime Silk Road Cultural Tour to Quanzhou, Fujian
「海絲會」將於3月25至29日舉辦「福建泉州 –––– 海上絲路文化探索之旅」,藉此讓參加者了解泉州的歷史發展及進行文化交流,活動共有約150名全日制大學本科生參加。泉州之旅行程包括參觀廈門大學及出席由著名經濟學家吳崇伯教授主持的講座。更多…
MSRS will organize the “Fujian Quanzhou – Maritime Silk Road Cultural Tour” between 25 and 29 March, aiming to provide participants an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the development and history of Quanzhou, the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road. Around 150 full-time undergraduate students will join the cultural tour which includes a campus tour at Xiamen University and a lecture to be presented by Professor of Economics, Mr Wu Chongbo. More…
Summer Internship Programme Selection Panel Meeting
「張騫計劃 –––– 大學生暑期實習項目」甄選委員會於2月29日舉行會議,藉此總結學生面試的安排以及落實宣傳計劃。甄選委員會成員包括「海絲會」聯席主席葉劉淑儀女士、青年機遇委員會副主席容海恩大律師及王家揚先生、甄選委員會成員王政芝女士以及海上絲綢之路協會總裁黃彥勳先生。更多…
The Selection Panel of the “Operation Zhang Qian – Student Summer Internship Programme” held a meeting on 29 February to finalise the selection process and to devise a publicity plan for the programme. The Selection Panel consists of Mrs Regina Ip, Co-Chair of MSRS, Ms Eunice Yung and Mr Roland Wong, Vice-Chairs of the Youth Opportunities Committee, Ms Gigi Wong, member of the Selection Panel and Mr Alex Wong, CEO of MSRS. More…
協會快訊 Event Highlights
Belt and Road Boost for the Financial Industry
「海絲會」聯席主席葉劉淑儀女士應邀出席香港證券及投資學會於3月4日舉辦有關「一帶一路 」的講座並進行演講。是次講座假學會位於香港中環永安中心之辦事處舉行,約八十名金融界人士出席,座無虛設。更多…
At the invitation of the Hong Kong Securities and Investment (HKSI) Institute, Mrs Regina Ip, Co-Chair of Maritime Silk Road Society, gave a presentation on The Belt and Road Initiative on 4 March 2016 at HKSI Institute’s office at Wing On Centre, Central. A packed conference room with some 80 participants from mostly the financial sector joined the seminar. More…
Symposium on The Belt and Road Initiative and Opportunities for Youths
「海絲會」青年機遇委員會副主席(行政)及香港青年‧專業網絡主席容海恩大律師與「海絲會」總裁黃彥勳先生於2月19日下午應邀出席由大埔民政事務處轄下大埔區青年網絡(i大步.net)舉辦之「一帶一路與香港青年的機遇 」論壇,並擔任主講嘉賓。更多…
Ms Eunice Yung, Vice-Chair (Administration) of Youth Opportunities Committee (YOC) as well as Convenor of Hong Kong Youth and Professional Network (HKYPN), and Mr Alex Wong, CEO of MSRS, attended a symposium on “The Belt and Road Initiative and Its Opportunities for Youths in Hong Kong” as speakers. The symposium was organized by Tai Po Youth Network Activities under the Tai Po District Office on 19 February. More…
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海上絲綢之路協會 Maritime Silk Road Society
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