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「一帶一路 —— 硬實力結合軟實力」論壇
"The Belt and Road Initiative - Combining Hard Power with Soft Power" Conference
「海絲會」將 於2016年2月27日下午2時假香港港麗酒店舉辦「一帶一路 ——硬實力結合軟實力」論壇,屆時本港四大國企領導(華潤集團、中國銀行、招商局及中國港中旅集團)將擔任演講嘉賓。如欲參與講座 ,可以透過「海上絲綢之路協會」流動應用程式(APP) 或 按此登記。
Senior executives of four leading state-owned enterprises (China Resources (Holdings) Co., Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, China Merchants Group Limited, and China Travel Service (Holdings) Hong Kong Limited) will speak at "The Belt and Road Initiative - Combining Hard Power with Soft Power" Conference at 2pm on 27 February 2016 at Conrad Hotel. For registration, please download our mobile app "Maritime Silk Road" or click here.
最新消息 News
福建泉州 —— 海上絲路文化探索之旅
Fujian Quanzhou - Maritime Silk Road Cultural Tour
「海絲會」將於 2016年3月25至29日復活節期間主辦「福建泉州——海上絲路文化探索之旅」,提供約150個名額給予全日制大專生參加,藉此了解泉州歷史發展及進行文化交流。是次活動已於1月中旬截止報名,共收到逾三百個申請。 更多…
MSRS will organize the "Fujian Quanzhou - Maritime Silk Road Cultural Tour" between 25 and 29 March 2016 to provide around 150 places for full-time undergraduate students to gain a better understanding of the development and history of Quanzhou, the starting point of Maritime Silk Road. We have received over 300 applications by mid-January. More…
「張騫計劃 —— 大學生暑期實習項目」
Operation Zhang Qian - Student Summer Internship Programme
「海絲會」將於2016年暑假期間為100名香港大學本科生於「一帶一路」的沿線國家和地區提供實習機會。實習地點包括:加拿大、捷克、新加坡、泰國、馬來西亞、菲律賓、越南、緬甸及中國內地等國家和地區。學生可以藉 此把握「一帶一路」建設所帶來的發展機遇。 更多…
MSRS will provide 100 internship opportunities for undergraduates of Hong Kong Universities during the summer of 2016. They will work in countries and regions along "the Belt and Road" such as Canada, Czech Republic, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar and China. Students are able to expand their horizons across nations and cities along the "Belt and Road." More…
協會快訊 Highlights
Presentation by Dr Su Ge on "The Belt and Road Initiative"
「海絲會」於 2016年1月23日邀請了協會顧問兼中國國際問題研究院院長蘇格博士,主持題為「國際視野之『一帶一路』」之講座。 更多…
Dr Su Ge, MSRS Advisor and President of China Institute of International Studies, spoke on "the Belt and Road Initiative" on 23 January 2016. More…
Establishment of "Youth Opportunities Committee"
「海絲會」於 2015年12月8日宣佈成立「青年機遇委員會」(青機會),以協助青年人尋找發展機遇、增強長遠的競爭力以及建立廣闊的人際網絡。 更多…
MSRS announced on 8 December 2015 the establishment of its "Youth Opportunities Committee" to encourage young people to gain a better understanding of "the Belt and Road Initiative" and developmental opportunities of the initiative, enhance their competitiveness over the long term and expand their network. More…
Mr Wong Kyin Pyu Gave Presentation on "the Belt and Road"
「海絲會」執委會副主席及香港緬甸互助會主席王錦彪先生,於 2015年11月26日 出席在 香港理工大學舉辦之「緬甸研討會——在中國海上絲綢之路的角色與未來」,並就「從緬甸的政治穩定和建立中緬關係角度論『一帶一路』」的主題發表演講。 更多…
On 26 November 2015, Mr Wong Kyin Pyu, Vice-President of Maritime Silk Road Society's Executive Committee and Chairman of Hong Kong Myanmar Overseas Chinese Association, gave a presentation on "the Belt and Road Initiative " from the Perspectives of Political Stability in Myanmar and the Importance of Developing Traditional Sino-Myanmar Relations. His presentation was part of the "Seminar on Myanmar – Its Future and Its Role in China's Maritime Silk Road Strategy" held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. More…
MSRS Delegation Participated in China Investment Forum 2015
香港江蘇社團總會理事及佰盈地產有限公司總監薛彬良先生帶領「海絲會」十七人代表團於 2015年11月9日抵達捷克布拉格參加為期三日的2015中國投資論壇。 更多…
Mr Samuel Sit, Director of the Federation of HK Jiangsu Community Organizations and Chief Executive of Value Realty Ltd, led a 17-member delegation to Prague, Czech Republic for the China Investment Forum on 9 November 2015. More…
Seminar on Maritime Communication by Professor Billy So
香港科技大學人文學部主任及講座教授蘇基朗, 於2015年10月17日以「中外海上交通的大歷史:前世與今生」為題發表演講。更多…
The MSRS held a public lecture on 17 October 2015 entitled "A Macro History of Sino-Foreign Maritime Communication: Retrospect and Prospect" by Professor Billy So, the Head of Division of Humanities of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. More…
文章 Articles
Mr Huang Duan, Advisor of MSRS and Deputy Director of the Development Research Centre of Fujian Provincial People's Government, had contributed articles on "the Belt and Road Initiative." Please click here.
其他 Others
匯賢智庫學苑 「一帶一路」歷史文化系列講座:
Savantas Liberal Arts Academy seminar on "The History and Cultures of 'The Belt and Road'"
- Session 2: China's relations with Southeast Asian countries in the 13th-15th centuries
- Session 3: The Western Market of Chang'an and the Silk Road in the Tang Dynasty
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