Operation Zhang Qian 2016
Date | Title |
2016-09-23 | It's Not the Language that Blocks Communication |
2016-09-23 | 不一樣的工作經驗 (Chinese Only) |
2016-09-23 | Doubt Kills More Dreams Than Failure Ever Will |
2016-09-23 | 非凡暑期 魅力越南 (Chinese Only) |
2016-09-23 | My Internship in Kerry Express |
2016-09-23 | 「飛」一般的體驗 (Chinese Only) |
2016-09-23 | Experimental Entrepreneurship |
2016-09-23 | 令你刮目相看的仰光 (Chinese Only) |
2016-09-23 | Experience is the Father of Wisdom - A Milestone in My Career |
2016-09-23 | 中國銀行 (新加坡) 學習紀錄 (Chinese Only) |
2016-09-23 | Cultural Integration in Vancouver |
2016-09-23 | 最享受的暑假! (Chinese Only) |
2016-09-23 | Thoughts on “the Belt and Road Initiative” Policy |
2016-09-23 | 吉布提的生活和文化 ── 這裏的生活跟土地一樣枯燥? (Chinese Only) |